Posts Tagged ‘coffee’

A Few of My Favourite Things…

You may think that you know me pretty well already, but there are a few things that you maybe didn’t know…

1. I love Chocolate, plain uncomplicated chocolate. I will take a chocolate easter bunny or Aero Bar any day over truffles and bon bons. I prefer my chocolate without nuts, fruit, nougat, orange, cherry etc. mmm…Easter chocolate is out in stores now…hmmmm

2. I absolutely adore all the Barbie movies; Rapunzel, Princess and the Pauper, 12 Dancing Princesses, Mariposa etc… I don’t care about realistic body image or feminist complaints about the evils of Barbie. I love love love these movies and I don’t even need to pretend that the kids are watching them with me, I have no problem just sitting down and watching Barbie in Swan Lake or Barbie in the Nutcracker all by myself!

3. I love going to Canada’s Wonderland. Even more than the children. The truth is, every year we go as a family on Mother’s Day, purchase our Season’s passes and spend the day at Wonderland. Most Mother’s would rather do ANYTHING on Mother’s Day, but I get tremendous joy out of spending that time going on rides, eating funnel cake, and watching the shows with my children and hubby. (who is a reluctant participant…he doesn’t enjoy the rides at all),

4. I love movies. However, I have never seen some of the most popular movies of all time, much to the chagrin of my cinematic (cinema-fanatic) friends. Which movies you ask? Let me see…The Matrix, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rosemary’s Baby, Monty Python, Kill Bill or The Exorcist. There are a lot of others that I have not seen, but these seem to be the ones that cause the most distress to movie buffs.

5. I really really love George Lopez and Lopez Tonight. I mean I could give up just about everything else on t.v just to keep George Lopez. I often wonder if maybe being married to a latino make the jokes funnier to me or if everyone laughs themselves silly while watching him.

6. I Love Tea and have given up Coffee. Well for the most part. I used to drink a pot and a half of coffee minimum every day. Then near the beginning of this year I contracted chicken pox. I was so sick to my stomach I couldn’t handle the tast of coffee, so I tried tea and now that’s all I drink. I think I have had a total of 8 cups of coffee since January! I think I’ve used my poor coffee maker only once! Apparently though, my addiction is to slow-sipping hot liquids as opposed to the coffee (as so many people assumed) because I drink the same amount of tea now as I did coffee before.

7. I love to chew ice. Not just when I am in labour but whenever. It’s probably not the best things for my teeth and once and a while I get a shot of sensitivity through my teeth and gums, reminding me that I am over 30 years old. But most of the time I find it an entertaining way to let the waitress know that perhaps it’s time for one of those free refills described in the menu.

8.  I love to sit and read cookbooks! For years my Gran, my mother and I have shared this quirky past time, sitting around together looking through the recipes and when we find one we like, we share it out loud. Now with the onset of the internet, I can peruse thousands of recipes including photos at my fingertips. I know, it’s weird.

9. I love my dog Bailey. He’s a pain, lazy, useless, stinky breathed mutt who likes to sleep on my bed with his head on the pillow. But he brings me great joy. Not just because he belonged to my Mother before she passed away, but because there is an unconditional love that dogs give. He is easy to please, gentle and forgiving, patient with my constant squeezing and snuggling. I love him, much to my husband’s constant irritation.

10. I love my children. For all the crazy stories that I share here in my blog; for all the anecdotes, and frustrations I pour out onto these pages, I have given birth to two of the most amazing, surprising, quirky, smart, hilarious, freaky, loving, cuddly, wondrous children ever born to a woman. I love them so much it actually hurts sometimes!